
Clinical Cognitive Hypnotherapy


I am sharing this so you can improve your life. You have the power within you to make amazing changes, but it is up to you. Hypnotherapy can help you, but if you don’t want to improve no one can assist. but it doesn’t take much to start changing your thinking. It maybe that you…
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Celebrate With One Small Step to Amazing Success

Just remember it is OK to have something to aim for. But on that way to that big goal each step is also success, no matter how small it may be. Each small goal achieved allows you to celebrate, plus it gives you that feel good factor. Which boosts your perception of the direction you…
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Choose to change your life ! Get amazing results.

What is sad is that so many people don’t realise that they can make a change to their lives. OK we all want to win the lottery, but to start a positive path doesn’t require a big jump. You can start your path to a better more positive life by taking little steps. Each little…
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You can always find something to make you feel good

Just STOP ! and take a look around you whether you are in a town, city or the countryside, whether the weather is good bad or indifferent there is always some beauty that you can see. You just haven’t seen it, because you are too busy looking and not observing. Almost like you are in…
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There’s a voice that keeps on calling me

Ulysses, Ulysses – Soaring through all the galaxies. In search of Earth, flying in to the night. Ulysses, Ulysses – Fighting evil and tyranny, with all his power, and with all of his might. Ulysses – no-one else can do the things you do. Ulysses – like a bolt of thunder from the blue. Ulysses…
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