Clinical Cognitive Hypnotherapy

If you have suffered any kind of abuse as a child – physical, emotional or sexual – then hypnotherapy is one of the most powerful and effective means available for resolving your childhood abuse traumas.

All childhood abuse leaves emotional scars in your mind and these play out through your life in a multitude of ways. Low confidence, aggression, relationship troubles, sexual problems, self-sabotage, guilt, anxiety, depression… all are common symptoms you may experience as a result of abuse as a child.

But the good news is they are all symptoms that can dissolve away when the problems are released.

When you use hypnosis and hypnotherapy to unlock these thoughts and feelings, you can begin to remember your self-worth and feel free once again. No more feeling like a child in adult company.

Sometimes this may take a few sessions – but the benefits are well worth it. A natural confidence, inner peace and a sense of feeling allowed to get on with life are typical benefits you can expect to experience.

Take control of your past and you future

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