Clinical Cognitive Hypnotherapy

If you are interested in losing weight but finding it difficult to do so, then you most likely have an internal conflict somewhere that is causing you to feel like you are running up a ‘down’ escalator!

(i.e. Part of you wants one thing, but another part seems to want something else).

For you to successfully lose weight and maintain that weight loss easily and naturally, it is very important for you to resolve that internal conflict. That’s what we help you to do.

The special form of hypnosis and hypnotherapy we use is the real key to your success because it helps you deal with the real problem, such as old ideas that may often have a strong emotional component too.

The result is that you will then begin to lose weight easily and naturally, without really even having to think about it.


It’s always difficult to say exactly how many sessions it will take, because it does depend upon quite a few different factors. For some it will be just one or two sessions. For others, a short course of treatment lasting say 2 – 5 sessions may be required.

What I normally suggest is to start off with one double-length session (ie 2 hours) and then just take it from there.


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